As licensed dental practitioners, Belmont Family Dental’s team of doctors and dental hygienists work with each patient, providing individualized care to achieve and maintain healthier gums, teeth and a beautiful smile. Our staff takes the needed time with our patients to explain individual treatment options and informs them of additional preventative care alternatives. Our office is conveniently located in Lakes Region, NH. Feel free to call or e-mail our office at anytime with questions you may have. You can be assured that our courteous and dedicated staff will do everything possible to make each visit to our practices pleasant.
Teeth whitening can provide patients with a bright white smile that builds confidence. Our teeth whitening systems provide quick and effective results, and patients can notice brighter and whiter teeth after only a few treatments.
Dental implants are a popular choice for patients seeking a permanent restorative solution to damaged, broken, or missing teeth. Implants are durable, and feel like your natural teeth, giving patients a long lasting beautiful smile.
A dental crown is a type of restoration that is designed to fit over a damaged or compromised tooth. If a tooth has fractured, broken or has been recently root canaled, we may recommend that it be crowned.
Extractions are done as a way to preserve your oral health and remove problematic teeth. In some cases, you may need to have teeth removed because of advanced gum disease.